Year 3
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We thought it would be useful to you to have a quick reference guide on the website for you so you know what to expect in terms of homework for your child. Very occasionally things may alter slightly but we would let you know about this.
Reading books and reading journals will come home for the week. Please record in the journal each time your child reads. Ideally, we would look for at least 3 reads over the course of the week.
Spellings for the week are set. There is an overview on the website in the term tabs of the spelling patterns covered each week. We would encourage the children to explore these patterns for themselves and look for examples of words that fit the pattern when they are reading for example. There are also 5 core words each week which are taken from a list of words we would expect the children to be able to consistently spell correctly by the time they leave Year 3. In addition to this, we are going to start sending the look, cover, write, check sheets back home for a bit of extra support. These do not need to be returned to school.
Reading books and reading journals are returned to school for quarantining and changing ready for the following week.
Maths will be set for the week via the MyMaths website. Children have their passwords on the letters that were emailed to parents. They must remember to click 'Mark It' otherwise the homework does not get handed in.
Google Classroom: there will be a short task set each Friday so the children continue to gain confidence in using this. They need to remember to use the 'Turn in' or 'Hand in' function otherwise it won't register as being completed and we won't be able to give feedback.
TT rockstars is something we encourage the children to go on as much as possible. As they progress through the school, they will come to depend on their tables more and more and so the sooner they can become secure with them, the more it will benefit them.
Thank you for all your work you do at home to support your child's education.
The Year Three Team