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Term 3

This term, we will be learning all about the Shang Dynasty; the first Chinese dynasty for which we have written and archaeological evidence. We build on our knowledge of prehistoric settlements. Through learning about world history, we will explore the diversity of societies and reflect on changes over time.

In English, we will be writing to persuade.  We will explore different perspectives and learn about persuasive arguments by engaging in a debate.  We will carefully consider our use of vocabulary and ensure that we use appropriate conjunctions and adverbs. Our published piece will be an email persuading a fairy tale character to do something that she does not want to do!

In Mathematics, we will be exploring multiplication and division. We will use our knowledge of our 3, 4 and 8 times tables in our daily lessons to multiply and divide.  We will learn how to use arrays and how to share and group. It is important that pupils continue to practise their times tables at home.

In DT, we will learn to sew and make a cushion. Using fine motor skills, we will learn how to tie a knot and thread a needle. We will learn basic running stitch to join two pieces of fabric together and we will learn to use cross stitch and appliqué to decorate a cushion face. Our cushion will be created using a carefully considered design for which we will have cut out a template.

In our French lessons, we will learn how to name and recognise up to 10 animals.  We will learn how to pronounce them and endeavour to spell them correctly with their correct indefinite article. 

In RE, we will learn about the importance of prayer in people’s lives. We will consolidate our previous learning about Christianity and draw comparisons with other world religions including Hinduism and Islam. Moreover, we will reflect on the impact of prayer in our own lives.

For Computing, we will use Purple Mash to learn how to communicate using email.  We will learn how to craft an email in addition to considering computer etiquette and online safety. Additionally, we will learn how to attach files to our emails.

In PSHE, we will continue to explore the theme of ‘family’ through learning about different families and how they compare to our own.

PE will take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We will develop strength, flexibility and balance through gymnastics on Wednesdays with Mr Corcoran and dance on Tuesdays with Miss Sargent.

We do not set large projects for homework but we do expect the children to engage with home learning on a regular basis.  Please continue to read with your child and sign the journal each time you do so for at least 10 minutes preferably, daily. Additionally, children will have a spelling test on Fridays so please help them to practise their words as well as their times tables.

Get in touch

Coxheath Primary School
Stockett Lane, Coxheath
Maidstone, ME17 4PS

01622 745553