Term 3
Term 3
During History this term, we will be studying ‘Travel and Transport’. Pupils will learn about the invention of the wheel and will analyse how transport has developed over time. We will discuss key inventors including learning Amelia Earhart, the first woman who flew across the Atlantic ocean.
We will be learning the following key vocabulary:
- transport
- invention
- locomotive
- vehicle
- wind-powered
In English, we will contine to revise statements, questions and commands and will introduce the new concept of exclamations and expanded noun phrases.
In Phonics, we will continue to identify different ways of spelling a sound. We will practise segmenting and blending words to read and spell. Our reading books will review the phonics that we have been learning in class.
Maths this term will focus on addition and subtraction and solving two-step problems. We will also move on to multiplication and division; using concrete resources and visuals to develop our understanding.
In Art this term, we will create a piece of artwork inspired by the buildings in our community. We will explore the work of Paul Klee and Rothko and apply some of their techniques to our own work. Initially, we will build on our understanding of line, pressure and shape to sketch buildings before revising perspective and experimenting with colour to create our final piece.
PSHE lessons will focus on what jobs people do. We will learn about a wide variety of jobs and understand that different jobs require different skills and strengths. We will be speaking to people about their jobs and will hopefully develop an interest in the future of our own career. We will understand the impact of technology on the jobs market and consider how digital devices are used in the workplace.
Science lessons will focus on materials and their properties. Pupils explore materials and make predictions, before testing their ideas.
For RE, we will continue to explore the question ‘Who is Jewish and what do they believe?’ We will express our own beliefs and respectfully listen to the views of others. We hope to be visited by a rabbi from a local synagogue and will pose thoughtful questions to expand our learning.
This term in PE we will be learning gymnastics with our PE coach Mr Corcoran. We will be developing balance and flexibility and coordinating simple movements. With our class teachers, we will be participating in team building, requiring communication and taking turns. Please ensure that children have a PE jumper to wear as we may have PE outdoors.
For Reading, please continue to encourage your child to read at home for at least 10 minutes. Thank you for your continued support with our new phonics reading scheme.
Please also continue to practise spellings for the weekly spelling test. Reading records are to be brought in every Monday and Thursday and books will be changed.