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Term 3

This term we will be diving into the history of London: right back from the Roman creation of London, to the historic changes that impacted our capital city. We will be learning a brief history of who the Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Normans were, how they invaded England and their influence on change and innovation. We will also be exploring some key events that changed London, including the Great Fire of London and The Blitz. This learning will be an introduction to the milestones in English history, which the children will develop and expand upon further, as they develop their historical knowledge. 

We will be learning the following key vocabulary:

  • Londinium
  • Capital city
  • Chronology
  • Invade
  • Empire
  • Conquer


In English, we are exploring traditional stories. First, using the story Jack and the Beanstalk the children are writing descriptions of Jack's house and the giant's castle. The children are learning to use the conjunction 'and' to join two ideas together, as well as using adjectives to describe.  Later on in the term we will be exploring the story 'The Three Billy Goat's Gruff'. We will be learning it, using actions which will then help us to write the story. We are consolidating our learing of nouns, adjectives and verbs as well as focusing on handwriting and using capital letters and full stops correctly. 

In phonics we will be revisiting previous spellings as well as learning new spellings. 

Weeks: 1 & 2 - 'ie' sound with  spellings i, ie, y, i-e, igh

Week 3 :'oo' sound as in book. Spellings oo, u, ou

Week 4 & 5: 'u' sound with spellings u, o, ou 

Week 6: 's' sound with spellings s,ss,c 

Please read with your child at home every night, this will have an impact on their learning in reading as well as other areas of the curriculum. 

In Maths, we will be moving on to subtraction within ten. Later in the term will we be focusing on geometry, recapping shape and looking at properties of 2D and 3D shapes.

In RE, we will be focusing on ‘Sacred Places’ and why they are important to religion.

In PE, pupils will develop their communication and problem solving skills in team building activities. They will work individually, in pairs and in small groups, learning to take turns, work collaboratively and lead each other. They will be given the opportunity to discuss and plan their ideas to get the most successful outcome.

With our Sports Coach, Mr Corcoran, the children will be doing gymnastics. Pupils will be given opportunities to select their own actions to build short sequences and develop their confidence in performing. Pupils can begin to understand the use of levels, directions and shapes when travelling and balancing.

In PSHE, we will be exploring healthy eating and lifestyles. The children will learn about what keeps us healthy, who can help us stay healthy and changes we can make to promote a healthy lifestyle. We will also discuss the importance of personal hygiene and the effect of medicines on our health.

We will be reading a class text every week, where the children will practise listening, echo and choral reading. Please continue to read your child’s school book with them for at least 10 minutes every day. Please record all reading in their Learning Journals and tally up the reads for your child’s teacher to see. Our ‘Word of the Week’ will be shared via our newsletter on a weekly basis for you to practice speaking with your child at home.

Get in touch

Coxheath Primary School
Stockett Lane, Coxheath
Maidstone, ME17 4PS

01622 745553