Term 3
Term 3
This term we will be immersing our wonderful Reception children in the topic ‘Polar Region Explorers’. We will support children’s learning this term through three core texts: Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers, The Emperor’s Egg by Martin Jenkins and Blue Penguin by Peter Horacek.
These texts offer a multitude of opportunities for the development of children’s Communication and Language skills through active engagement. There will be plenty of opportunities for our children to ask questions, share their own ideas and listen to those from others.
In Literacy, children will continue their daily phonics sessions, based around active learning and engagement with opportunities to practise both newly taught and existing skills in their ‘own learning’ (continuous provision). Daily story time sessions will recommence and children will be exposed to a wide range of texts with a focus on language comprehension skills.
In Mathematics, our learning will be guided by the NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics) scheme, using Numberblocks to support the children’s learning and understanding. We will be focusing on three elements of Mathematics, which are subitising, composition and comparison. Our number focus will widen from numbers to 5 to numbers to 10.
In Expressive Art and Design, we will be focusing on using a range of tools to produce a desired effect, including, sponges, straws and paint. We will be using these tools to create artwork to represent polar landscapes. Inspired by one of our core texts, the children will be taking part in a mini project to design and make a boat that floats to transport a lost penguin to his home.
In Physical Development, we will be practising our gross and fine motor skills through daily ‘clever fingers’ activities and weekly physical education lessons.
In Personal Social and Emotional Development, children will be supported to understand their own and others emotions. Children will continue to learn ways to manage and regulate their emotions. The children will use their developing skills to consider the emotions of characters within books and stories and offer suggestions as to why they feel this way. Role Play will continue to offer children the opportunity to develop language skills and increase self-confidence.
In Understanding the World, we will be immersing the children in a Polar Explorer’s adventure. Geography will play a large part in the children’s learning this term. Learning will include locating Antarctica and The Arctic on a map, as well as learning about the animals that live there, what the weather is like and identifying what the key features of these polar regions are. We will be making the most of our polar region learning to introduce the children to science experiments. These experiments will centre on all things icy! We look forward to working with our budding mini scientists!
As ever, the children will have ownership of their learning and we cannot wait to see where their learning questions lead us!