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Year 2

Home Learning Expectations for Year 2


  • Reading - School book and Bug Club
  • Maths - Number facts and TTRockstars
  • Spelling - 5 core words a week and a spelling pattern

Reading - School book and Bug Club

The children will bring home a banded reading book that can be read at home. This book will then be returned on the Friday. Please spend 10-15 minutes a night reading with your child. They will also have a wealth of books on their Bugclub account. This can also be used as reading through the week. Please be aware that children should still have the opportunity to explore other books as this will develop their vocabulary. Every piece of reading must be entered into their yellow reading record book.


Children will need to read at pace, self correct and understand what they are reading. Please ask them questions about the book/word meanings throughout the week as this will develop their comprehension skills.

Maths - Number facts and TTRockstars

Each term there will be a week to week focus on Year 1 and 2 number facts. Each week there will be an example of the activity. This can be completed verbally, on a whiteboard or in a book. We will test these number facts daily in lessons. By the end of Year 2, children will be expected to quickly recall these facts.

TTRockstars will assist the children with their Times Tables. TTRockstars is an automated progressive platform that assesses the children's prior knowledge of Times Tables and then sets the appropriate times tables for the children. By the end of Year 2 children are expected to recall their 2, 5 and 10 Times Tables. Children will be set 2 TTRockstar homeworks a week. Please encourage your child to use the programme throughout the week as it will help consolidate their understanding of Times Tables and allow them to collect reward coins!


Children will be able to use their number facts to assist with mathematical problem solving. 

Spelling - 5 core words a week and a spelling pattern

Each week children will be expected to learn the 5 core words found on the weekly spelling overview. These will be tested each week. Alongside this, the children will have a weekly spelling pattern to follow too. Please practise spelling words that follow this spelling pattern. Examples have been given on the overview. Please note that these are examples of the words that follow the spelling pattern and are not necessarily the spellings that will be used for the test. We would like the children to remember the spelling rule so they can apply that rule to their spelling.


By the end of Year 2 the children would be expected to spell all KS1 Core and Common Exception Words.

Get in touch

Coxheath Primary School
Stockett Lane, Coxheath
Maidstone, ME17 4PS

01622 745553